Librerías de Software

Estos son los lenguajes de programación y librerías que mas uso en mis proyectos.

Sanity Sanity es un headless CMS en el cual podemos personalizar totalmente todo lo que ocurre dentro de nuestro administrador de contenidos.

Puede ser conectado con cualquier lenguaje que estemos utilizando: javascript, php u otros.

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Gatsby is an open-source static site generator built on top of Node.js using React and GraphQL. It provides over 2500 plugins to create static sites based on sources as Markdown documents, MDX (Markdown with JSX), images, and numerous Content Management Systems such as WordPress, Drupal and more.

Since version 4 Gatsby also supports Server-Side Rendering and Deferred Static Generation for rendering dynamic websites on a Node.js server.

Gatsby is developed by Gatsby, Inc. which also offers a cloud service, Gatsby Cloud, for hosting Gatsby websites

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Prisma unlocks a new level of developer experience when working with databases thanks to its intuitive data model, automated migrations, type-safety & auto-completion.

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